Massage therapy offers a natural conservative treatment approach that relieves musculoskeletal pain for many patients. Our office provides specific massage and muscular therapy that is tailored to meet the patient’s condition and injury. The benefits of massage therapy may include increasing blood circulation, reducing swelling, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle pain and spasms, and aid in recovery and range of motion.
The staff at Chiro Plus Rehab use various methods to resolve muscle-based pain including: Graston, Cross-Friction Massage, Active Release Technique, and more. By breaking down muscle-knots and lengthening contracted tissue your muscles and joints are given the opportunity to rebuild, heal, and become pain-free.
Most chiropractors will perform only little muscle work, but not nearly enough to deliver results that last. At Chiro Plus Rehab, you will experience hands-on muscle therapy, to some degree, at nearly every visit which is one of the reasons we’ve been able to help so many people find lasting relief.
Our massage therapy services focus on bringing relief from your soft tissues like muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This type of chiropractic treatment causes these soft tissues to relax and soften. Our experienced massage therapists will help you on your path to health and wellness through different services and tailor them to your unique requirements to restore your mind and body from the stressors of daily life.
Monday: 9am–12pm / 2pm-6pm
Tuesday: 2pm-6pm
Wednesday: 9am–12pm
Thursday: 9am–12pm / 2pm-6pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
“I’ve seen how pain steals life from people. Worse, I’ve seen firsthand the harmful effects numbing pain with drugs can do. Because of this, I am committed to providing the best possible care people in a way that not only relieves pain but improves health and quality of life.”
He graduated from Northwestern Health Sciences University—a respected school for chiropractors—one of the youngest in his class, with a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology and a Doctorate in Chiropractic.
Dr. Ben Grams has a long track record of helping people eliminate pain and regain their health by integrating the best of the holistic and medical worlds. He is known as one of the best choices for chiropractor Little Falls MN because of his ability to accurately assess and treat more difficult cases, especially those related to the lower back, sciatica, shoulder, and hip.
Over the years, he has won several awards for performance and achievement and he continues to pursue the most effective non-drug, non-surgical methods for treating patients as a chiropractor Little Falls MN. In 2017, Dr. Grams authored the book titled “The Solution to Back and Neck Pain” which had a brief stint as a top seller on in the categories of Chiropractic, Chronic Pain, and Alternative Medicine. Its success was also noted on NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX affiliate websites as well as the StarTribune.
When not working, he will be spending time with his wife and preferably outdoors. He enjoys hiking, swimming, biking, playing guitar, and being active in his church. Chiropractor Little Falls MN, Dr. Grams has additional studies in chiropractic radiology, spinal disc problems, hands-on muscle therapy, therapeutic exercise, sports injury, nutrition and wellness.